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General Ticket: $15

Student/Senior Ticket: $10

Dunwoody High Auditorium

5035 Vermack Rd.

Dunwoody, GA 30338


March 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23 

Friday and Saturdays at 7pm Sundays at 2pm

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Our Clients

     The Dunwoody High Speech Team came home Saturday with a handful of state championship trophies.   Brandon Jasper is GFCA Speech and Debate State Champion in Humorous Interpretation.  Mariana Greene was second, Cole Carter, fourth, and Fernando Ramirez, sixth in Humorous Interp.  Anna Jean Lower placed second in Dramatic Interpretation, followed by Anshula Phadke, third, and Torin Blake-Hayden, fifth.  Glo From was a semi-finalist in Original Oratory.  

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